January 2022

After listening to our community and advocating to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, I was able to secure funding to have the ‘triangle of terror’ removed and major safety improvements to the intersection of Moore and Hopkins Street.

The removal of this pedestrian island greatly improved pedestrian safety at this busy intersection.

august 2023

In August 2023, we officially unveiled the new intersection on the corner of Moore and Hopkins Street. The new intersection featured safety fencing, streamlined pedestrian lights, removed the slip lane exiting Moore Street, and introduced a 40 km/h speed limit along Moore Street.


These changes were a massive upgrade for all pedestrians and road users, as well as making it safer for all the students who use the crossing each week.


Throughout 2023, I spoke with numerous residents who voiced their concerns over the speed limit along Hopkins Street. I shared their concerns for the safety of all road users and pedestrians. As such, I wrote to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Melissa Horne MP, to ask for her assistance advocating for a reduced speed limit along Hopkins Street.

APRIL 2024

In April 2024, I launched a community-wide petition. This petition was to be presented to the Minister for Ports and Freight, Roads and Road Safety. Calling for the introduction of enforcement cameras when the West Gate Tunnel opens.

This petition had huge community support, receiving over 400 signatures before I presented it to the Minister.

The introduction of enforcement cameras, along with the 24/7 truck bans across six local roads, would create major safety improvements for all road users in our community.

January 2024

I once again wrote to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, this time to advocate for support in improving the safety of all road users in the area surrounding the Joseph Road Precinct.

may 2024

Our petition worked! Our community-led action was a success, as the 2024/25 Victorian State Budget included $10.2 million for the installation of truck safety enforcement cameras across the six streets that will have a 24/7 truck ban once the West Gate Tunnel Project is complete in 2025.